Student Solution


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Dq5 Mind of a Terrorist

Dq5 Mind of a Terrorist

Q For your forum post, distinguish the way the media was utilized by terrorist organizations in the past to advance their objectives to that being employed today. Specifically address both the pre-9/11 style terrorist means of communication and influence and contrast them with the current day terrorist internet/social media based methods.

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In today’s society media plays a crucial role in everybody’ lives as most of the people spend a lot of time watching T.V or on internet thus it has become a popular medium for the terrorists to spread terrorism around the world. Internet and media have become easier to manipulate in modern days which was difficult to do in the time of 9/11 (Lister, 2015). Islamic terrorism has made their roots stringer in the western countries with the help of media. The communication process in the era of 9/11 terrorist attacks was much different from the current communication method as with the help of internet and social media, communication has become lot more fluid.